Our Saturday trip started as normal. I yelled at the McDonalds drive through idiots again but I won’t digress. The goal was to head down the coast to Knitting by the Beach in Solana Beach. The Mrs, and I have been looking for a Tilli Tomas Trinket Bag for our trip back east next month. Undecided on what color to chose, we picked up both the Plum and Red (American Beauty) with the thought of we keep one and gift the other.
This point brings me to the second topic.
If you’re a knitter and you teach the enabling husband to knit, watch out because it’s a slippery slope.
You may hear phrases like these:
You know that blah blah blah pattern on Knitty would look great in that yarn.
Go ahead and get it, that fiber color looks good on you, very slimming.
It’s all right, use my card, I get paid in a couple days.
It brings out the color in your eyes
You know that would look good with the blah blah blah in your closet (insert top, skirt, shoes, or purse)
I know we don’t have a project for it but I’m sure we’ll find one.
You know if we don’t get it, we’ll regret it foever and kick ourselves for not getting it.
Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is good (The enabler always has this in the pantry)
Shipping is free on orders over $40.00 !
I used my frequent buyer’s card and save another 15% (the enabler has all the cards yes even Yarn stores have these cards)
I’ll knit faster soon
As I said earlier it’s a slippery slope, most of these rationalizations can be used for buying shoes and new clothes etc. etc. Even the voice of reason (Mrs. Twisted) has few countermeasures for THE ENABLER
Oh we didn’t find the right yarn for the trinket bag so we had the back up plan to head down to Yarns of La Jolla to just shop. (Really I knew we were going there all along and I was looking forward to it.) We love this shop, They have a brilliant sales person who has a wonderful knowledge of yarns used and patterns on all the heavily traveled web sites and a knack for exquisite yarn selection. Thank you Kate, you matched a ball of Rowan tapestry to the plum bag that was just beautiful. We never even thought about a wool blend on the bag, but it was a perfect match. We decided to dress up the red bag by shopping through our own stash with either silk yarn we have or we order the matching silk from Tilli Tomas
On the drive north coming out of La Jolla we passed a couple. One guy in his 20’s and a guy(we found out it was a lady after we passed her) with Chrome White hair (Think fine young Cannibals) As we passed them we both said almost the same thing at the exact same time. (I said) That guy looks like Johnny Winter and (she said ) That guy looks like Edgar Winter. As we laughed we realized that not many people would even understand the references let alone have the same thought process. We know we are meant to be together. At times it seems like we think from the same brain. Two twisted souls, loving life one glorious day at a time. For those of you who don’t know, Edgar Winter was known for the songs "Frankenstein" and "Free Ride" (1973), with Rick Derringer. Johnny Winter is a phenomenal Blues Guitarist who has been around since the early 60’s

The bag is finished too