Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday post

It's hot windy and the fires are burning again.

Tonight was the Men's knitting group. The group was a little small tonight but it ebbs and flows. Little bit of knitting and a little bit of spinning and a lot of talk about politics, religion, Christmas knitting projects, spinning fiber and the bad cover band music that comes from the restaurant/ bar next door to the yarn shop we meet at.

Took some books back to the library this afternoon and picked up a few. Finished The "Last Lecture" and enjoyed it quite a bit. It brought back memories of the relationship with my Mom before she passed away. More than that it reaffirmed my desire to live life in more of a positive way and keep my head up no matter what brick walls may interfere. A few more books in the queue are "Out of the Silent Planet" by C.S. Lewis, "Click" by Bill Tancer and "Catch 22" by Joseph Heller.

Looking to progress further on the scarf this weekend and with the Summer temps coming back will probably stay in with the A/C on to avoid the smoke.


  1. Be careful of the smoke and flames... Stay safe

  2. I sure do wish my hubby would knit!!
    Do you spin as well?

  3. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Are you guys safe? Sending good thoughts for the smoke and flames to stay far away from Casa Knitster!


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